So it’s now been 12 hours since the competitors set off from Douarnenez and the first have reached Groix, so 82 nautical miles at an average of slightly less than 7 knots. Good weather, smooth seas, and no withdrawals up to now apart from the 589 which never left.
At the head of the race we find the prototypes : 950-Porsche François Champion, 787-DECOSAIL Sébastien Pebelier and 1019-BigBounce Pierre Le Roy bunched up together. The 800 skippered by Irina Gracheva has caught up and got much closer to the first three. And 2 nautical miles further two other boats bring up the rear of the first group : Victor Turpin’s 850-Pays d’Iroise and Timothée Villain-Amirat’s 756.
Looking at the Series, two Pogo 3 are in front : the 914-Maitri – powered by Velotrade of Brieuc Lebec and Léo Debiesse’s 966-Les Alphas. Alberto Riva follows on the 993-EdiliziAcrobatica, a Vector (rounded bows), then a Pogo 3, Loïc Blin’s 871 and Romain Le Gall’s Maxi 987-LES OPTIMINISTES TRIBORD (also rounded bows). This group of five largely make up the head of the fleet which now extends over 25 nautical miles . The night should prove to be quite tactical and therefore tiring, a crucial point of the Trophy.
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