Autumn has arrived !

One week from the launch of the Marie-Agnes Péron Trophy the preparations are ticking along. The skippers will be faced with two long, cold solo nights off the south Brittany coast. Indeed the face of the race has changed, and now takes place in autumn instead of June. This will undoubtedly have consequences for the competitors’ physical endurance and state of mind. Covid has reshuffled the season and this will surely bring its share of surprises. We can see from the previous four races that some sailors continue to finetune total mastery of their boats (particular in the prototype category) so the race outcome remains very much open.

We highlight the presence of Ambroggio Beccaria with an impressive record on the 969, Chaffoil (sole foil sailor) which is the hot favourite. We’re also counting on Fabrio Muzzolini who is patiently taking the 945 Tartine in hand, and Victor Turpin on the 850, Fanao’, representing the prototypes. Irina Gracheva has had a brilliant season, but the keel of her boat, the  800 Canopus, gave way during the  Duo Concarneau. Searching for an alternative boat, she’s doing everything she can to line up at the start next week.

For the Series, Léo Debiesse on Pogo 3 dominates this unusual season. The other challengers  to the podium are all sailing on scows (boats with a rounded bow) : Hugo Dhallenne on the  979, Jean-Marie Jézéquel on the 951 and Anne-Claire Le Berre on the 1005 who won the Duo Concarneau with Davy Beaudart. We’re also following Julie Simon on the  963 and Marine Legendre on the 902, Pil Poil.

So see you next week, the departure is scheduled for  15th October  at midday.

photo : Simon Jourdan


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