The MAP 2019

The 15th Marie-Agnès Péron Trophy ended last Friday with the consecration of the two winners, Ambrogio Beccaria in series and Axel Tréhin for the prototype category, at the awards ceremony.

Ambrogio Beccaria on the « Pogo 3 » (943) series has won for the second consecutive time, during a race shortened this year by about half due to weather conditions. Axel Tréhin finally won his first victory on board of Tartine, his plan Lombard, finishing less than 5 minutes before François Jambou. It was a challenging race where it was not possible to let go of the helm and the slightest error had direct consequences.

2nd win for Ambrogio Beccaria

In the lead from start to finish, Ambrogio Beccaria (943): “The race felt somehow weird and short, but at the same time it was very challenging to stay focused all along”. Alone in the lead, the Italian thinks he was rather lucky since he did not get too bad weather conditions.

Arnaud Machado (910) is in the second place and delighted to retain the lead of the French championship. “Work pays! I did not have time to sleep or eat. I was seasick when arriving at Chaussée de Sein.”

Paul Cloarec (951) finished in third place. “I am lucky the boat was fast… considering all the mistakes I made” he says with a smile. It was his first race of the year and is very happy with his ranking, behind the “two aliens”, as he friendly calls them .

Félix de Navacelle (4) Paul Cloarec (3) Ambrogio Beccaria (1) Arnaud Machado (2)

Axel Tréhin broke the ban of finishing 2nd!

Axel Tréhin (945) wins the 15th Trophée Marie-Agnès Péron by crossing the finish line at 6:57 pm and 48 seconds,

followed by François Jambou (865) less than 5 minutes later. At 7:34 pm, Erwan Le Méné (800) completed the podium ahead of Morten Bogacki (934) who arrived 5 minutes later.

During this shortened, intense race, Axel Tréhin started taking the lead at Basse Royal. It was necessary to slalom between the algae and face strong winds up to 40 knots. This requires permanent concentration. Don’t let go the helm!.

Axel Tréhin is very happy with this first solo victory on board of “Tartine”, having been twice second behind François Jambou.

l to r : Erwan Le Méné, Axel Tréhin, Francois Jambou, Morten Bogacki

At Basse du Lis

Two hours before the arrival of the first prototype, everything remains to play! Axel Tréhin (945) and François Jambou (865) are in the lead and are now far ahead Erwan Le Méné (800), caught up by Morten Bogacki (934). For the series, Arnaud Machado (910) is catching up with Ambrogio Beccaria (943) and is now in second place. Paul Cloarec (951) is joined by the peloton.

Abandon: Marie Gendron (930 ) is returning to Douarnenez


At the point “Basse Royale”, there was a gap of two hours between the first and the last competitor.

Midway through, Axel Tréhin seems to have been the first to tack at the Occidentale de Sein with 30 minutes ahead of the routings. The leading trio for the prototype boats remains unchanged, followed by Morten Bogacki (934). For the series boats, Ambrogio Beccaria (943) is still in the lead and is tied with the prototypes of Vincent Lancien (679), Raphael Lutard (900) and Matteo Sericano (888). Then, just ahead of the pack, Paul Cloarec (951) and Arnaud Machado (910) are
neck and neck.

Abandonment: 908 Pavel Roubal (water ingress) is returning back to Douarnenez.

At 11:00

At the end of the Bay of Douarnenez, Erwan Le Méné (800) is in the lead, closely followed by François Jambou (865) and Axel Tréhin (945) at an average speed of 8.5 knots.
On the Series side, Ambrogio Beccaria is well ahead of other competitors, in a 10-knots southerly wind at the Cap de la Chèvre.

 François Jambou (865) in the lead with Axel Tréhin (945) just behind, tacked Basse Royale shortly after 11:00 am. Note that Raphael Lutard (900), in fourth position in front of Matteo Sericano (888), is nicely catching up since he exited the Bay.

On the Series side, Ambrogio Beccaria (943) is still largely ahead, in front  Joe Lacey (963) and Paul Cloarec (951).

Abandon: Florian Quenot (946) broke his saffron and is returning back to Douarnenez.

Good start! Nice start!

Under a blue sunny sky and a little breeze, 55 boats took off at 8:00am this Thursday morning.

Already well ahead from its competitors, Erwan Le Méné on the 800 has rounded the offset mark in the lead, followed by Ambrogio Beccaria on 943 and by Vincent Lancien on the 679. Just a bit behind, Axel Tréhin on the 945 had to repair after hitting the mark. A little later, François Jambou on the 865 and Arnaud Machado on the 910 also rounded the mark.

Note: abandonment of 616 (electrical issue) and 740 (bowsprit issue)


They will finally 66 skippers to start this Thursday, June 6 at 8:00 am

To follow the race:


The new layout

Due to the expected weather conditions on Friday, June 7th, the layout of the 15th Marie-Agnès Péron Trophy is modified and reduced to 90 miles as follows:

The marks of the race are to be left on the sides mentioned below :

The locations of these marks are given for reference purposes only.

  1. Départure North of Tristan Island
  2. Buoy Basse Vieille to starboard (48°08,3 N – 04°35,7 W)
  3. Basse du Lis (Card S) to starboard (48°13,1 N – 04°44,4W)
  4. La Vandrée (card W) to starboard (48°15,3 N – 4°48.2W)
  5. Basse Royale (card S) to port when bypassing it (48°17.5N – 4°49.5W)
  6. Buoy Chaussée de Sein (Card W to port when bypassing it (48°03,8 N – 05°07,7 W)*
  7. Basse du Lis (Card S) to starboard when bypassing it (48°13,1 N – 04°44,4)
  8. Bouée Basse Vieille to port (48°08,3 N – 04°35,7 W)
  9. Finish

The start scheduled on Thursday, June 6th at 16:30 is advanced to the sameday at 08h00.